Talk to me

I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

If you happen to like what
I write

leave a comment

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I just want you 
to know
that in this tell and show
I still dance
to the photo 
you shared with me
those years ago

my eyes close
and waters flow

in a motionless moment
on your knees
your breasts
a silken feast

while my beast heart
still pumps
a sudden rhythm

the thought
of your hands
upon me
still a gift

the kiss 
from your gloss red lips
still fresh

you wait 
patient for this sip
as I trip into the moment
of thundering blood 
and bliss 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Let's have sex

Let's have sex
Let's have squelchy sex
Let's have oozing sex
Sex with laughs
Sex with biting and spitting
Sex with farting noises
Sex with tongues and teeth
Let's have wet sex
Let's have slipping in
   and sudden popping out sex
   grinding and groaning sex
Let's have the taste of sex
   and the smell
The sex of sharp elbows
   and odd angles
The sex of banging bed heads
   and love handles
Gripping the sheets sex
   and yes definitely the smell of sex
Let's have eye contact sex
   and in the dark sex
Sex of under the covers
   and can't breathe
   and sweaty armpit sex
   and you need to cut your nails sex
Sex like we're animals
Like I can't get far enough into you
   deep enough into you
   and sex of just the tip
   the brushing your lips
   and of slow deep thrusts
   and you writhing and wriggling
   so much that I think I might break
Let's have bone-jarring sex
   and flesh-slapping sex
   and all fingers sex
   and fingers in your hair sex
   and far away look in your eye sex
Let's have paying attention sex
   you to me
   and me to you
Let's have sex interrupted by snacks
   and phone calls
   and just getting back into it again sex
Let's have sex
   that the neighbours hear
   and sex-so-silent sex
   tight and silent
   hands on the back of your head sex
Sex that doesn't know any words
   and that sends your voice up
   to the top of your throat
   where it can't do anything except
   sound like you're crying
Oh God sex
Harder sex
Don't stop sex
Yes sex
   yes, oh yes sex
Let's have sex.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The watcher

In my mind's eye
I watch you
open wide your legs
upon the bed
your butterfly knees
while you
aware you are observed
slide fingers
from your moistening tongue
down the soft sheen slope
of your belly

your back arches as you
chase your body contours down
round curve and gully
reading the silent braille
of your skin
tickling a tingling trace
as you succumb
to the growing desire
in your mind

you push
beneath the binding cloth
feel elastic
slip across your nails
climb the cuticle
tenting the fabric
as knuckles bend
and fingers claw
through the furtive brush
to find the swelling
centre of your desire

while your other fingers and thumb
climb and cup your breast
find the thickening nipple
roll and pinch and pull
and below
dew runs slick and warm
onto your thighs
you butter the unfurling petals
with your rich ointment
the sticky scent
of your body's liquid gift
rises to your nostrils
you taste the tang
of your simmering musk
as your lip slips
between your teeth

and I watch
as your eyes meet mine
as your fingertips
find the roll of their music
plying the folds of flesh
pushing, pulling
conjuring the heat
up, up, up
into the growing bud

faster and faster
the fingers work the livid bulb
finding their fulcrum
their infinite wind
the rite of eight
the down and round
and up and round
and down and round
the flesh pulsing
under their cushioned pressure

and as you press and preen
pull dampened cloth aside
I see into you
through the glistening
to the darkest entrancing core
of your passion

the centre of you rises
riding the fire
that flames within
in the grip
of tightening spasm
and your anticipation calls
and mews
catches in your throat
muffles breath tight
as sensation
conquers thought
and body rules
and cunt demands
and rocks rage rhythms
within you
stifling your yelps

harder and faster
and the blood burns
the itch
the torment of unrelease
the climb to ecstasy
at last
at once
coming to the top
the tip
the wordless hah
the blessing
the thriving
jive of muscles
wave upon wave

slowing now
climbing down
coming down
coming home

and puckered fingers
leave this succulent nest
and climb to your mouth again
that you may taste
the sweet, sweet
nectar of release

Sunday, August 4, 2019


There is soft wet flesh here
your dripping lips
a rich pool of moisture gathering
damming within
now running down your inner thighs
seeping into the sheets
yes, I'll paddle in this oozing musk
glaze these berry lips
while I've got you on the bed

four fingers pushing in
thumb moulding above
palm cradling the arc of bone
the drapes of flesh
my other hand spread
across your throat
fingers, thumb
squeezing the carotid pulse
I hold you still
I stifle the moan
grip the groan in your chest
as I prepare
hard knuckle-deep
pumping my hand into slick cheeks
your liquor weeping, seeping
between my fingers

but this
is not enough
my rock rod stands firm
his shining eye
already pluming a liquid pearl
he needs the plunge
the slam

the angry drive
the bone on bone 
the deep and dark
the hot, wet whole of you

I lean back
I need to see
the first thrust
the tight shining head push
purple and pink
parting your glistening lips
as the mouth of your sex
sucks him in
by inch
by slippery, silken inch
skin sliding within skin

But no... 
No gentle fuck this
no soft parade
no whispered promises
no muttered love
I'll bang the fuck into you
and fuck the bang
pound you on the bed
crack plaster on the wall

each jump
thumping the breath from you
bruising the peach
of your ass cheeks

you moan, groan
whimper, whine
as the pounding beats life into you
flushing your flesh
hot, tense blood

push your hand down there
feel the probe slide in and out
open a v in your fingers
feel it dragging your lips into you
and out again
in and out
in and out
pulling at the deep root
of your core
more and more
winding you up
wounding you
tightening you
the blood flood rising

feel my thickening gristle within you
the bone churning inside you
riotous and rigid
stretching you
filling you
drilling you
in and in
and harder
and deeper
drinking the verjuice
of your sexmouth
heart pumping

he is full
tip-tight with liquor

plump with stirred blood 
to stump up
to pump
yes he's
he's going to
I'm going to

the grip of my balls
a riptide
ready to

yes to
burst into you
but - 
at first spurt
I pull back out
to spill the sticky gloss
upon your skin
across your flushed flesh
silver droplets spray

start to run
in slithering streams
you grab at the itch of them
as you feel them trickle
scoop them in your fingers
carry the tender treasure
to your lips
anoint your face
with the thick rich chrism... 

Monday, July 29, 2019

close your hand

Close your hand
around me
let curling fingers find
the shape of me
feel the growing heat
in your passionate grip
as skin palms skin
feel the hardening rock within
scent musk
taste nectar-peppered air
from tip to tongue
from lip to lung
nose me in
feel full of the aroma
of my longing
feel the burning hunger
of my yearning

it grazes your heart
phrases the beat
calls the rapid drum to heat
my rising blood
is in your hands
draw up the flame
drag teeth
curl tongue
taste brewing fire
sense the building
coming burst
hold fast
hold tight
the grip
the grasp
the climbing gasp
and then
the bruising spurt

yours to taste
yours to gulp
your tongue swirl
buttering the tip
this lovers' slip
sliding from your moving mouth
this curdling cream
this salty soup
these viscous drops
these silken drips
this glazing on your golden lips

let flow the stream
let go the gleaming sup
that it may drain upon my belly
for you to lap again
and taste and eat
the intimate essence of me
as I drown in an ecstasy
of emptiness

Sunday, July 28, 2019

My lips are wet

My lips are wet
at the thought of you
tongue tensing
sliding across my mouth

My hands upon you
thumbs pushing
pulsing into your flesh
fingers smoothing
soothing skin
curve and mound 
then clasping
scraping nails
stretching sinews 
pressing into bone

I have a thirst
a hunger
I would sip the drool of your passion

Lie back
my hands on your knees
push to open you
flatten you out
spill you apart
my eyes feasting
lips find your velvet skin
begin to kiss
a slow descent
nose to inner thigh 
sliding home
breathing warm sweet musk
the bitter verjuice
I drink you
and now
my lips engage with yours
tongue delving 
parrying between the folds
plunging into the dark centre of you
saliva pools
the sound of tongue on love

Let me push and push
deep and deeper
seeking the secret
the soft salt wound
the slippery slopes
my mouth hungry for your raw flesh
teeth testing the stretch
the bite
the curl of wet silk against my lips
my wet beard
painting this tickling canvas
my mouth eating
grinding on the meat of you
my hunger buzzing into you
droning into you
my fingers find you
find the slick fickle fumbling
my lips and teeth
pushing my fingertips against you
into you
feeling your skin move over your bone
driving deep, deeper, deep down into you
tongue finding the focus
firing your animus
the foolish heart of your sensation
dipping into you
slipping into you
in and out
in and out
the tension in your body
arcs your back
you writhe
but still I ride 
my mouth and teeth and tongue
drinking the thick dark syrup
the spasm grips you
grips again
your muscles tighten around me
squeeze me
bite me
eat me
grip me
as the orgasm rises
wave upon wave
a crazed rave
crashing and splashing between us

For S