Let's have sex
Let's have squelchy sex
Let's have oozing sex
Sex with laughs
Sex with biting and spitting
Sex with farting noises
Sex with tongues and teeth
Let's have wet sex
Let's have slipping in
and sudden popping out sex
grinding and groaning sex
Let's have the taste of sex
and the smell
The sex of sharp elbows
and odd angles
The sex of banging bed heads
and love handles
Gripping the sheets sex
and yes definitely the smell of sex
Let's have eye contact sex
and in the dark sex
Sex of under the covers
and can't breathe
and sweaty armpit sex
and you need to cut your nails sex
Sex like we're animals
Like I can't get far enough into you
deep enough into you
and sex of just the tip
the brushing your lips
and of slow deep thrusts
and you writhing and wriggling
so much that I think I might break
Let's have bone-jarring sex
and flesh-slapping sex
and all fingers sex
and fingers in your hair sex
and far away look in your eye sex
Let's have paying attention sex
you to me
and me to you
Let's have sex interrupted by snacks
and phone calls
and just getting back into it again sex
Let's have sex
that the neighbours hear
and sex-so-silent sex
tight and silent
hands on the back of your head sex
Sex that doesn't know any words
and that sends your voice up
to the top of your throat
where it can't do anything except
sound like you're crying
Oh God sex
Harder sex
Don't stop sex
Yes sex
yes, oh yes sex
Let's have sex.