Talk to me

I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

If you happen to like what
I write

leave a comment

Monday, August 24, 2015

tips on love-making

It is customary
I believe
to thank the server
for services tendered

but you
my dear madam
seem quite content
to make payment
in cash
for the kind that were rendered

so I find myself
in a bit of a bind
as to how I should feel:
should I be quite

or should I shut up
and enjoy the sensation
of loving for money -
the battle surrendered

it seems I'm resolved -
though I do have some qualms -
leave it on the nightstand
least said,
soonest mended

but please take the list
that you left behind
pointing out my techniques
that could be emended.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

the cellar steps

there is a looseness
in your unobstructed belly
in the easy swing of your hips
as you weave between tables
towards me
in the parting of your lips
over smiling teeth
in the soft cloth
of your dress
brushing the skin beneath

you drift in silk
and stand so close
I feel your body's heat
hear the sounds of textile against flesh
smell failing deodorant
like a gift of weakness
or a threat
or a promise

and when the strand
of hair
blows across your cheek
and slips
into the soft cavern of your mouth
with a single finger
you pull it from
between your lips

the tip
of your tongue
glimpses daylight
the strand lies
damp against your cheek

I taste that saliva
I drink you in
and your odours
I devour

you order milk
sweetened with raspberry syrup

and as you talk
you touch my arm
with a light hand
that burns so
that I cannot look at you

but rage
bought up my spirit
and the opening by others
of ragged wounds
has left me cruel
rough handed
and empty

and now
you tell me how
the young you
deep afraid of the dark
stood at the cellar door
but could not climb down the steps

Sunday, August 16, 2015

controlling my pupils

I can boast
of only one facility
a gracile ability
to loosen one eye
from its rigidity
to cross the one
towards the bridge
of my nose
but leave the other in its
position of solidity

the pupil from the left
looks out over a world
already uncurled
in the pupil from the right

there is
a double checking of facts
in a field
of layering doubt

the ordering
of information
struggles with
a confounding
of binocular confusion

I count myself fortunate
that this that I count as a talent
for some is an unwished for curse

double vision
is my decision

so in my single cross-eyed haze
I can at any moment


and realign my gaze