Talk to me

I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

If you happen to like what
I write

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Friday, October 30, 2015

dying for a kiss

this last kiss
for a moment
has us bound
a silver saliva chain
stretching from your lip to mine

your earlier suspicion
has succumbed
to the gentle coaxing
of my would-be whispered words
my lip brushing your velvet ear
your wine breath
my tongue

we digest the moment
figuring its resonance
weighing the power of our feelings
anatomical responses
blood flushing
into pale places
reddening faces
heating fluids

you dissolve a little
as I brush the thread aside
feeling the strand across the back
of my hand

then our fingertips touch
sense the trace of moisture
before once again
we land soft wet lips
on each other's
open mouths

and beneath the softness
the hard edge of teeth and jaw and bone
of hunting
of eating
of chase
of resolution

this grimy kiss
asks and answers
its one question
who are you?
and why are you so separate from me?
that says
in our coming together
we must
come apart
that in our longing
we must live without
that as it is born
because it is born
so it must die

but not yet
not yet 
let me yet feel
once more
the lithe live flesh
moving muscles
over my skin
seeking the pleasure
that it alone provides

Thursday, October 22, 2015

to the book lover, a response

you love books
you tell me
the feel of them
the smell of them
the holding of them
in your hands
the stories they tell

although I have 
a spine
for you to run your fingers down
although I would 
whisper my passion into your ticklish ears
and although I have
pictures to paint in your mind's eye
and although I would
hold you between covers
caress the creamy 
vellum of your skin
between clean white sheets
although I would draw you in
on long winter nights
make love to you by firelight
or by summer moonlight
I would ignite you
bite you
tease you
touch you
stroke you
make you laugh
make you cry
make you yearn 
for my longing arms
for the warmth of my strong thigh
the soft beat 
from the taut drum
of my chest

although I would
be the author of our lives together
and you my heroine
wrapped in a golden shawl
windswept and wild
with a diamond light in her eye
brought to singing life 
with my tender pen

despite all this
you have eyes
only for another fiction

Friday, October 16, 2015


I have a hard time
my feelings for you
for they are
as liquid as night
as ferocious as hunger
as dark as revenge
as cheap as choking
they are the colour 
of the red wine stains
on your inner lip
they smell of excess
and taste of dawn
they are wrapped 
in last year's paper
and still 
draw last year's tears
they threaten
and cajole
and generally
fuck about
with my
peace of mind

so I will burn
these feelings
and toss the pasty ashes
into the river
where we stood
on the bridge
and you
spat my longing
back at me
and then 
walked away 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Knight visitor

There is thunder in the air tonight
and I have written all night long
to reach you.

For I have scaled this tower
and am the silhouette
against the curtains.

I have groped my way
in the darkness
to find your bed.

Do you see the blood
pouring from my wounds?
How the thorns scratched.

Do you see the moonlight
shining on my naked skin?
My armour lost.

Do you feel the subtle chill
as the bedclothes lift
from your sleeping body?

I stand here
and place your cold hand on me –
feel the instinctive gripping
like an infant’s fingers
round an adult thumb.

Then my thumb
parts your lips –
the hard-edged teeth,
the soft tongue,
the slow silent
sucking of the lips;
hot, wet.

These calloused
open the book of you,
unfold you like a map,
fingers navigating the contours of hills,
the courses of valleys,
to the warmest caverns,

caressing the petals
of this fleshy blood red rose
gaping open
to the burning rain.