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I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

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Friday, October 30, 2015

dying for a kiss

this last kiss
for a moment
has us bound
a silver saliva chain
stretching from your lip to mine

your earlier suspicion
has succumbed
to the gentle coaxing
of my would-be whispered words
my lip brushing your velvet ear
your wine breath
my tongue

we digest the moment
figuring its resonance
weighing the power of our feelings
anatomical responses
blood flushing
into pale places
reddening faces
heating fluids

you dissolve a little
as I brush the thread aside
feeling the strand across the back
of my hand

then our fingertips touch
sense the trace of moisture
before once again
we land soft wet lips
on each other's
open mouths

and beneath the softness
the hard edge of teeth and jaw and bone
of hunting
of eating
of chase
of resolution

this grimy kiss
asks and answers
its one question
who are you?
and why are you so separate from me?
that says
in our coming together
we must
come apart
that in our longing
we must live without
that as it is born
because it is born
so it must die

but not yet
not yet 
let me yet feel
once more
the lithe live flesh
moving muscles
over my skin
seeking the pleasure
that it alone provides