Talk to me

I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

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Thursday, May 12, 2016


I long to hold a woman
in my arms again
to feel her skin under my finger tips
the warmth of her breath on my neck

to draw the scent of her hair
into me
pure succour for my soul

I would live on the smell of her body
her musky shades and damp corners

I would thrive on her sweat
I would jive sweet sounds from her throat
with my caresses
and catch them in the bosom of my heart

too long the dark nights
have settled in
with no-one beside me


let my loneliness
sing out
over roof tops
across oceans


let my yearning burn
as a beacon on the hilltops

for I am no longer
afraid to tell
the world
of my longing

I fear only
the depth of death
in this sad solitude