Talk to me

I am an Aberrant Knight
seeking subtle fulfilment

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Friday, July 24, 2015


can you touch me now
the way you used to?

do you remember
how your fingers walked
the length of my thigh
from my knee to my smile
and how you teased
and tempted rigid knots
from tired muscles
and pumped hardness
into other playgrounds

the sweet ice touch
of fingertip
found dangerous paths
to follow

and from
under my gooseflesh skin
raised by your scraping nails
you drew piping hot blood
from dark recesses
and spread it seeping
through these
humming capillaries
until we sang our soaring song
from roaring bellies

can you touch me
like that

or has the burning spring that
fed you
come unwound
has the silken string that twined
our hearts

let our fingers
tongues and throats
speak of this
before it is too late
and conjure up
love's memory
before we reach
oblivion’s gate