Are you or are you not aware
from this seat here, where I sit
composing lies
I can see into your room?
you have never once looked over to my
but I know you
for I have been watching you
I can see you when you
come in through your door
and move across to open
the wardrobe
I can see you when
you sit on the edge of your bed
I can see you bending
to undo your shoes
and slip them, toe
to heel, toe to heel, to the floor
and I can see you fingerslip
your tights down the slopes of your thighs
I can see you
watching your reflection in the mirror
and I can see the
subtle sagging of your breasts
as you relieve your
body of your brassiere
and as your intimate garments
slip down silky legs
I can see your hands
to the dark diamond delta
below your belly
and your preoccupation is why you may
or may not
have noticed that at this time
each evening this window
is never illuminated
- because I am sitting here
in the dark watching
and your lust fills
the space between us
and while you release
your passion
I do the same
and as you examine
your skin
with a smoothing
I smooth mine
and as you slip
between your sheets
my grasp tightens
on the subject
we have both been avoiding